Jose Alejandro

  • Embody Your
  • Live Your
  • Increase Your

  • Embody Your Truth
  • Live Your Vision
  • Increase Your Impact

Increase your capacity to lead and love.

"Anything you can imagine is real–

but first you must embody it."

My Mission:

To empower impact-driven men live their vision and increase their capacity to lead and love.

My Vision:

To create a new paradigm of masculine leadership and a generation of embodied, heart-centered men who lead with truth, integrity and love.

Did you know?

more success is experience​d
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Studies that show that individuals who share progress with others or have accountability partners are 76% more likely to accomplish their goals and create the life they want

increase in performance
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Studies show that 80% people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.

of what separates
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Studies show that 90% of what separates high performing individuals apart from other men with similar experience is emotional intelligence.

The truth is: our quality of life and impact we make in the world is a direct
reflection of one thing: our level of commitment to the inner work.

Remember, anything you can imagine is real, but first you must embody it.

Testimonials from impact-driven men just like you...

Here's what they have to say:

"Jose provided me the space for self-reflection and a deeper understanding of my emotions and relationships. His holistic approach has not only optimized my career but has also positively influenced my overall mental health and emotional resilience, creating a more balanced, authentic and fulfilling life."
Ade Osinaike
Financial Advisor & Guide
"Jose really pushed me to my edge and helped me embody so much of what I was avoiding by holding a powerful space. He helped me see the depth of my impact and who I am as a leader in all areas of my life. I am deeply grateful for him and his program."
Ewan C.
Coach, Therapist & Poet

Jose Alejandro

Jose Alejandro

Our quality of life and impact we make in the world is a direct reflection of one thing:

our level of commitment to the inner work.

Ready To Live Your Vision?

1-on-1 Coaching

 Embody the next evolution of your vision and impact by increasing your capacity to lead and love. For men willing to go deep and bridge the gap between who they are today and who they are becoming.

Training Grounds

The self-led man’s ultimate training grounds for transformation. This comprehensive self-mastery program bridges coaching, content, and community to help men turn inspiration into transformation.

Threshold Rite of Passage

The Modern Leaders Initiatory Rite of Passage. For the leader ready to cross the threshold into the next evolution of your life and leadership.

What Other Leaders Have To Say:

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“I had so many breakthroughs each and every week with Jose. I got way more than the cost of the investment of the his journey. Just after the first four weeks of being in it, I sold over $20,000 dollars worth of my services and felt good about it, felt fulfilled and knew that I could deliver the impact to these guys.”

Jeddy Azuma

Founder of The Rising Man

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“Something that I’ve learned from Jose is storytelling and the power of storytelling and the importance of really connecting to an audience. Not only does Jose provide that level of guidance and have second to none expertise, but he’s available, he cares, he’s genuine, and he’s sincere.”

Stefanos Sifandos

Relationship Coach & Teacher

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“I would recommend Jose to any purpose-driven leader. I was making mid five figures when I met Jose and through my work with him and through embodying the practices that he teaches in his program as well as our one-on-one work, it’s easy for me to say that I’m a six figure business owner today.”

Zach Carlson

High-Impact Coach

Hey, I’m Jose Alejandro.

I’m master certified life coach, embodied leadership guide, men’s group facilitator, business consultant and somatic practitioner.

But when strip away all those titles and identities, I am simply a man who’s work is only a reflection of his journey.

I was always  a curious kid who questioned everything and explored anything.

Although I never fit in any one box, I quickly built a habit of negotiating my truth for the sake of fitting in and preserving the peace inside and outside my home.

Naturally I got pulled toward understanding the mind, thinking I could solve all my problems and create the life I wanted simply through knowledge, hard work and sheer luck.

I graduated with a BA in Psychology, read tons of books and went off into the world trying to prove I was “the man”. 

I thought I knew who I was, what I was meant to do, and what my life would look like before I would turn 30. I had a vision, a beautiful girlfriend, a well paying job as a corporate marketing executive and a pretty good understanding the impact of my mindset had on all of it. 

But the reality is, my knowledge was conceptual, my success lacked inspiration, my nervous system was dysregulated and my integrity was based on insecurity and meeting everyone else’s expectations but my own. To everyone else my life looked great, but the truth is I felt trapped.

I wasn’t embodying MY truth. I wasn’t giving MY gift. I wasn’t living MY vision. And as a result I wasn’t making a real impact on my relationship, my community and the world.

It wasn’t until…

Programs & Offerings


Open Enrollment

 Increase your capacity to lead and love. For men ready to bridge the gap between who they are today and embody the next evolution of your truth, vision and impact. (5-week & 6-month offerings)


The leadership accelerator program for the impact-driven service provider ready to increase his impact and income with intention and integrity.

Embody the leader, grow the business and increase the impact through proven strategy, embodied leadership coaching and impeccable brotherhood.


Modern Renaissance Man is the movement of self-led men committed to unapologetically expressing their truth, owning their power and creating the life they love.

Through transformative experiences, world-class coaching, comprehensive self-mastery tools and impeccable brotherhood we inspire men to raise the bar for themselves, the community and the world.


Explore different online and in-person transformational experiences including workshops, lifestyle events, weekend retreats, & more.


The Modern Leaders Initiatory Rite of Passage. Cross the threshold into the next evolution of your life and leadership.

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